Anti Inflammatory Effects of the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed

Whitepaper by Dr. Glen Rein, PhD
Quantum-Biology Research Lab

Research by Dr. Adair Roberto Soares dos Santos
Head of the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Pain
Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil

April, 2023


This clinical study was designed to measure the effects of the QEWB on inflammation by measuring local swelling (volume), local heat and biochemical markers. Inflammation is part of the complex biological response of the body to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, stress and harmful electromagnetic (EM) fields in the environment. It can be considered a protective response involving cellular changes in immune and blood cells as well as biochemical changes in inflammatory markers. The purpose of inflammation is to eliminate the tissue damages from the initial injury and repair damaged tissues.

This process involves two phases - the initial pro-inflammatory phase followed by a resolution/healing phase, which is also called the anti-inflammatory phase. These phases are so distinct they have different biochemical markers corresponding to the resultant physiological changes. Specifically, a group of biochemicals called cytokines mediate these processes. The pro-inflammatory phase is associated with Interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6 and tumor necrotic factor (TNF-alpha), whereas the anti-inflammatory phase is controlled by IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF-beta). It is these biochemical markers which have been measured in this White Paper to determine the efficacy of the QEWB in reducing inflammation.

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) is the latest advance in contemporary med beds. Unlike conventional med beds and the more familiar PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) devices which primarily and exclusively emit electromagnetic (EM) energy, the QEWB emits at least six different types of energies (that we are aware of).

Thus, the QEWB emits:

1.       Classical electromagnetic (EM) energy

2.       Acoustic energy (sound)

3.       Thermal energy (heat)

4.       Scalar energy

5.       Geometric energy

6.       Quantum energy

In a recent reading by a sensitive, we were told the bed emits EM, sound, and some type of intermediate energy (assumedly scalar energy), as well as two types of energies which could not be described verbally other than to say they were higher dimensional in nature. In addition, we know that the QEWB emits heat. Thermal heat energy can be considered a treatment modality in its own right. Such studies indicate therapeutic effects are brought about by stimulating metabolic processes, increasing circulation and detoxification resulting in effective treatments for muscle spasms, joint stiffness, and inflammation (Tepperman, 1986). These studies further indicate a therapeutic temperature range with 104 degrees being optimal. Thermotherapy also works on inflammation to increase the initial pro-inflammatory phase which allows the body to pass through this phase more quickly and proceed onto the anti-inflammatory resolution phase.

Electromagnetic fields by themselves can also be considered a therapeutic modality. The Bioelectromagnetics Society is a group of electrical engineers and biologists who study the harmful and beneficial biological effects of EM fields. There are many different types of EM fields and depending on their properties (in particular their frequencies), they can have complex or even opposite effects on the body. EM fields are well known to both stimulate and inhibit a wide variety of biochemical and physiological processes in humans, animals and plants. In many cases the biochemical mechanisms are known. In reference to inflammatory processes, some types of EM fields inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines (Ozturk, 2022), whereas other types stimulate pro-inflammatory cytokines (Mahaki, 2020). EM fields can also stimulate anti-inflammatory cytokines (Mahaki, 2020). Nonetheless, in the end EM fields produce anti-inflammatory effects.

Scalar energy by itself is also therapeutic, although this type of energy is not studied by the

Bioelectromagnetics Society or independent scientists. Scalar energy was first discovered by Nichola Tesla and was initially ignored by the scientific community because its behavior does not follow and can not be predicted by the mathematical equations (of Maxwell and Hertz) used to describe conventional (classical) EM fields. Only recently have new equations been developed which explain their behavior and they are now being studied by physicists who call them longitudinal waves. Biological effects of this type of non-classical EM energy are rarely studied, although the author has shown they can affect DNA (Rein, 1995) and cells in tissue culture (Rein, 1989). One relevant study showed that scalar energy with a complex mixture of frequencies can stimulate IL-1 (Gagnon and Rein, 1990) in a similar manner as discovered in this study.

The Benefits of Combining Different Energies

Little is known in the scientific literature regarding the biological effect of mixing diverse types of energies. This is primarily due to the fact that most combination studies do not superimpose two different types of energies at the same time (as used in the QEWB), but study their biological effects sequentially. However, a few studies have investigated simultaneous delivery of two different types of magnetic fields based on direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). One study demonstrated the increased efficacy of combining AC and DC magnetic fields using an animal model of Parkinson’s disease (Belyaev 2010). In this study the authors conclude the combination offers an “extremely high biological activity” with respect to reducing amyloid plaques.

Although light is a type of EM field, its effects on the body are studied by the Photonics

Community in general and specifically by the Photobiology Community, not the

Bioelectromagnetics Society. Thus, many of the studies are theoretical in nature. One study of interest, from a theoretical modeling perspective, investigated the interaction of light energy and acoustic energy with water as it travels on surfaces. The combined influence of these two types of energy altered the ability of protein collagen molecules to adhere to hydrophobic surfaces. The combined energies produced a large increase in water content of the collagen and an unusual distribution of collagen molecules on the surface (Friedt, 2016).

From a biological point of view, light has also been studied in combination with EM energy (microwaves). In this study, UV light was used to induce skin lesions in mice and mice which were exposed to both light and microwave radiation showed enhanced carcinogenetic effects (Heikkinen, 2003). So combining the two energies produced a stronger biological effect, although in this case it was a harmful effect.

Microwave radiation has also been studied in combination with sound energy, where the energy associated with white noise was shown to increase morphological abnormalities in developing chick embryos exposed to both noise and microwave radiation (Litovitz, 1994). It is also interesting to note in this study that the intensity of the sound energy was approximately 1000x stronger than the EM energy, indicating the necessity in getting the ratios of the different types of energies optimized for biological activity.

EM and acoustic energy combinations were also studied in Russia, where a mathematical model was developed. This model requires the use of both transverse and longitudinal (scalar) components and the theoretical models predict an increase in thermal conductivity as a result of a complex interaction between the two energies (Ismaylova 2014).

The interaction between EM energy and acoustic energy has also been studied in the engineering community, when designing new types of transducers (Sun, 2019). Transducers are often made with sound waves which have vertical (transverse) and horizontal (scalar) components. The combination of EM and acoustic energies increases the quantity and quality of the ultrasound waves emitted by the transducer and increases their ability to detect low-level ultrasound.

The combination of EM or acoustic energy and thermal energies is not typically utilized by the Bioelectromagnetic Society members. One recent study, however, from Loma Linda University studied the effect of acoustic energy in the form of low frequency Whole Body Vibrations at 50Hz. After a 10 minute treatment standing on an oscillating plate, blood flow was monitored in the stomach area using a Laser Doppler device. Blood flow was also measured following heat treatment at 94 degrees. Although both of these individual treatments statistically increased blood flow, the combination of the two was nearly twice as effective indicating a synergistic effect (Lohan, 2011).

The author has also reported a synergistic effect when combining EM fields and scalar energy in terms of their effects on the electric properties of human DNA. Human DNA is known to resonate and emit specific EM frequencies (Edwards, 1984) and the author has formally proposed that higher order tertiary structures of DNA can function as antennae for EM energies and subtle energies (Rein, 2004).

The QEWB uses a complex mixture of different EM and subtle energies as well as specific frequencies to heal the body. The key component of such a system is the specific amplitude ratios between the different energies. These ratios are critical for their strong and specific effects on the body. A previous study by the author tested amplitude ratios in a complex mixture of different essential oils (Rein 2022). In this system some ratios produced a nearly 2-fold increase in biological efficacy in terms of its effect on human DNA.

In addition to optimal amplitude ratios of the different energies, the QEWB also has specific frequencies. The 10 different frequencies being broadcast from the bed also can act synergistically if they are used at their optimal amplitude ratios. Combining many different frequencies into one signal is often used in the Bioelectromagnetics community. Many studies in this group have been done using square waves which will generate large numbers of harmonics for each specific frequency being broadcast (Huegel, 2018). Other studies use sine waves which generate only one specific frequency designed to affect one specific biochemical pathway. The QEWB uses sine waves designed to target specific pathways which are precursors for universal pathways.

The present study was conducted with mice at the Neuroscience Department, the Experimental

Neurobiology Department and the Laboratory of Neurobiology at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil to measure the effects of the QEWB on inflammation. The University is the third largest in Brazil with more than 300 laboratories and research centers. The Ischemia-Reperfusion animal model was used as a validated, well-researched animal model to measure inflammation in the mouse paw.


Inflammation was monitored using three different methods -paw temperature (inflammation), blood biochemistry (inflammation) and paw volume (edema). Inflammation and edema were induced using the Ischemia-Reperfusion model which restricts blood supply to one of the animal’s paws by positioning an elastic ring (1.2mm diameter) over the right ankle. After three hours, the ring was removed thereby allowing the return of blood to the paw. This procedure produces inflammation and edema, as well as pain. In the treatment group the mice were treated daily for one hour with the Quantum Wellness bed immediately after Ischemia reperfusion. All quantitative measures were obtained for both the treated group and the untreated control group which were kept in a separate building to ensure a large enough distance between groups. There was a total of 25 mice used in these experiments.

Measuring Temperature

The temperature of the animal’s paw was measured with a digital thermometer (Mallory-Pro Thermosensor, EI Sensory Tech, USA). The higher the temperature the more inflammation.

Measuring Paw Volume

The size of the paw was measured using a plethysmometer (pulse oximetry) (Vyaire Medical, Brazil). Plethysmography measures gas volume changes by measuring the amount of gas displaced. It does this by measuring the amount of airflow leaving a given part of the body or organ system. The difference between the size of the left paw and the right paw was used as a quantitative measure of edema.

Measuring Biochemical Markers

The ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) technique was used to measure biochemical markers. Specifically, the Multiplex Cytokine Assay Kit from R&D Systems (Minneapolis, USA) was used to the measure anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha using this standard validated procedure.

Results & Discussion

Paw Temperature

Paw temperature was measured every day for 14 days following reperfusion. In the untreated control group (open circles), values decreased a little for the first four days, then rose again and remained high until the 9th day when temperature readings were the same in control and treated animals. In the treated mice (black diamonds), paw temperature rapidly dropped to its lowest value on day 3 (a 70%) effect and remained low until day 9. These results, presented in Figure 1, indicate a rapid and strong effect to reduce inflammation associated with increased temperatures.

Figure 1: Effect of the QEWB on paw temperature (inflammation)

Paw Volume

Oxymeter readings were taken daily for the two weeks following reperfusion. In the absence of any treatment (open circles), the values remained high for the first eight days then dropped a bit and remained low for the remaining two weeks. In contrast, animals treated with the QEWB (black diamonds) dramatically decreased, reaching a peak at day 4. The data in Figure 2 indicate a strong (70%) reduction in edema. These values remained low till day 9 when they acquired the same value as the control. Treated and control animals remained undistinguishable for the rest of the experiment.

Figure 2: Effect of QEWB on paw volume (edema)


The results in Figure 3 indicate that after treatment with the QEWB, there was an exceptionally large, nearly 3-fold, increase in IL-1 beta levels. IL-1 B is a pro-inflammatory cytokine. Therefore, treatment with the QEWB stimulates the first step in the biochemical sequence of events associated with healing a wound. The first phase is pro-inflammatory and the second phase is anti-inflammatory and also called the resolution/healing phase. The fact that the QEWB has such a large effect on the first phase in this process is remarkable since other types of EM fields, which have been studied on this type of healing response, have a relatively weaker effect, usually less than a one-fold (100%). The relatively large effect of the QEWB can be attributed to the unique combination of different energies it emits. It also indicates the strategy of the QEWB to speed up the healing process by stimulating the initial step. Some types of EM fields also increase IL- beta similar to the QEWB, although other types of EM fields inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines or change anti-inflammatory cytokines. These varied approaches in the end can result in either stimulating or inhibiting the healing process. In general, this is the problem with EM field therapy (also called pulsed EM field or PEMF therapy) because scientists do know and can not predict what type of EM field will stimulate or inhibit the healing process. The author’s research with other types of subtle energies, notably bio-energy from a healer, can cause both stimulatory and inhibitory effects on the winding and unwinding of human DNA (Rein, 1995). These studies indicate that the intrinsic energy fields in the body are very versatile and have the ability to produce very different effects on the body.

Figure 3: Effect of QEWB on IL-1 beta


The results in Figure 4 indicate that after treatment with the QEWB, there was a significant increase in TNF-alpha levels by 57%. Like IL-1 B, TNF-alpha is a pro-inflammatory cytokine. Therefore, treatment with the QEWB stimulates two strong pro-inflammatory cytokines, not just one as might be predicted. This emphasizes the healing approach the energy from the QEWB is using – double stimulation of the first step in the biochemical sequence of events associated with healing a wound as described above.

TNF-alpha plays a key role in the healing process because it acts as a coordinator of the biochemical events associated with stimulating the immune system by acting synergistically with other cytokines. The immune system is involved in many healing processes because it helps the body remove toxins and pathogens. This is a complicated phenomenon because there are many cell types that make up the immune system and different cytokines have different effects (stimulatory or inhibitory) on the individual cells. Nonetheless, it is important to understand that cytokines like TNF-alpha play a key role in regulating the immune system, so increasing the amounts of TNF-alpha and IL-1 are likely to strengthen the immune system as well as reverse inflammation.

Some types of EM fields are also known to increase TNF-alpha (Hao, 2010), and one study showed EM fields increase both TNF-alpha and IL-1 in human skin cells grown in tissue culture (Patruno, 2018). Although this suggests that some EM fields produce healing effects via the same mechanism as the QEWB, EM fields do not produce such large (3-fold) effects. It is unclear whether any commercial PEMF devices use these same EM fields or whether the fields they do use produce healing effects by the same mechanism or whether they even produce healing effects at all. These devices often lack scientific or clinical studies demonstrating efficacy.

Figure 4: Effect of QEWB on TNF-alpha


The results of this study performed at the University of Santa Catarina in Brazil indicate that the QEWB stimulates healing in mice by having a profound effect on inflammation. This conclusion is based on physiological and biochemical measurements which in some cases showed a very large 3-fold effect. The results also indicate the QEWB has an unusual mechanism of action since it stimulates the first pro-inflammatory stage in the healing process. Although uncommon, some types of EM fields also work via the same mechanism. This could be due to the fact that inflammation was induced by physical means and did not occur in association with a disease. The results also indicate that the beneficial effects take several days for optimal efficacy.


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This information is provided for educational purposes and is not for the use in protocols for disease state diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or cure. Information as presented dated April 2023.